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发表于 2008-5-15 13:07:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Pat          A very touching story. Great reporting. Keep up the good work and stay safe, John!     令人动容的故事,伟大的报道。继续保持如此好的工作状态并且注意安全,John(记者)!                         Jess               I went on a college trip to China a couple of years ago. I have to say the people are very kind and helpful. We meet a few people that were very helpful towards us even if they couldn't speak English. I loved my time there. From this report it doesn't surprise me how they Eat Bitterness.          我曾经在一所中国大学做过几年的访问学者。我不得不说那里的人民非常善良和乐于助人。我们遇到过一些即使不会英语仍然对我们乐于帮助的人。我非常喜欢我在那里的时间。我对于这个报道所反映的中国人民的吃苦能力一点都不惊讶!               Xz          Imagine how the people of California will be acting after the "BIG" one hits. As in New Orleans, they will all blame the government and expect the rest of us to pay the price. Of course, the people of New Orleans WERE warned, and ignored the warnings.....we will all continue to pay the price for many years to come.          设想下在加州的美国人在遭受这种巨大灾害的表现吧,如同在新奥尔良(飓风),他们全部会责怪政府并且期望其余地方的人们付钱救灾。当然了,新奥尔良在飓风前收到了警告,但是警告被当局忽视了……我们会在将来很多年付钱救灾。                    Alex               No looting. No complaining. Just people helping people in times of devastation. That's unheard of around here.     没有抢劫,没有抱怨,只有在毁灭性灾难发生之时人与人的互助。这是在这里(美国)从没被听说过的。                    Jie          Thanks for the report. I hope people will eventually understand that reliable earthquake prediction is not technically possible.     感谢报道,我希望人们能够最终了解到可靠的地震预报在技术层面上是不可能的。(给国内质疑地震预报被隐瞒的nc看看)                    JP          Thanks for the report from China, I watched this on CNN last night, couldn't hold my tears. Now read the script, tears again.     Just donated some money through, hope it will help the victims a little bit.          谢谢这则来自中国的报道,我昨晚在CNN上面看到了。我不能忍住我的泪水,现在看到这个视频,我泪水又流了出来。(谢谢好心的美国童鞋)。     我通过www.mercycorps.org网站捐了款,希望可以稍许地帮助那些地震中的受害者。(再次感谢!)               LK          We could learn a few things from these people. God Bless them all. We will be praying for them.     我们从这个报道的中国人民中能学到很多,上帝保佑他们。我们会为他们祈祷。               truthandfair          It shows drastic change in the way that Chinese government handles natural disasters. When the quake in Tangshen happened in 1976 which killed approx 250,000 people, the Chinese government blocked the news and refused for any aids from outside world. Today, the government immediately sends in soldiers and paramilitary police to rescue people and asks for international help. The prime minister Wen Jia-Bao and other local officials do not hide their high emotion toward the sufferings of the people. The Chinese government may still not be perfect under different circustances, but it should be given proper credit for trying their best to do the right things. The world should try their part to be more understanding of today's China that has traveled down a long and difficult path.          这则报道显示了中国zf在处理自然灾害方法上的剧大变化。1976年发生的唐山地震造成25w中国人死亡,当时的中国zf封锁了消息并拒绝了外界的所有帮助。今天,中国zf第一时间派出士兵和武警救援群众并请求国际援助。总理温家宝和一些地方官员丝毫不掩饰对于人民所遭受巨大痛苦的情感。中国zf也许仍然不会在不同情况下表现完美,但是我们必须对他们尽自己所能做正确的事情这一事实给予赞扬。世界应该对中国现在大幅迈出的艰难的改变脚步给予理解!               Grace          After all the bad attention China has been getting recently, I am so proud to watch as they band together to help others. China should be an example to the Myanmar government. These people are showing that, when it comes down to it, material possessions and money are nothing compared to human life.          在最近所有关于中国恶意的注意之后,我骄傲的看到他们救灾的行动,他们愿意为其他人提供帮助。中国应该成为缅甸zf的榜样。这些人民显示出,当灾难发生的时候富有和金钱远远没有生命来的宝贵!               bob               it's incredibly unreal to see that these people are not complaining, and are just focusing on the relief effort. With 1.3 billion people like this, able to grind out the toughest and most grim situations, no wonder they will be the next super power. Can you even find 1.3 billion people like this anywhere outside of that country?          难以置信甚至令人感觉有些虚幻地看到,这些人民没有抱怨,只是将自己的注意力集中于救济工作。13亿人同样如此,能机械地坚韧近乎冷酷地面对这种情况,所以无怪乎他们是一个超级大国!你能在世界别的地方找到这样的13亿人么?          Nadia          I think the biggest question on everyone's mind right now is why was there no warning of this quake? Doesn't the Chinese government have a system in place to monitor earthquakes & is it even safe to consider having the Olympics in a country that cannot even systematically prevent their own people from such a catastrophic event .          我认为最大的问题是为什么到现在没有人介意为什么没有此次地震的预报,是因为中国zf没有建立监测地震的系统么?在这样一个没有建立保护巨大灾难中的人民的机制的国家举办ay是否安全?          I care          As a poor college student in the US I feel like there isn't much I can do for the people in Sichuan except donate $20 to the red cross but my heart goes out to all those in Sichuan suffering from the aftermath of this quake.          作为一个美国大学的穷学生我对中国四川的受灾群众感到无能为力,除了通过红十字会捐赠20美刀。但是我的心和四川的受灾人群在一起。(貌似是留学生?要不就说明美国学生也不富裕啊!)          Upperweiweibubu          God Bless China          上帝保佑中国                    Sue callahan          That is absolutely amazing that the man who lost his parents, wife, AND two children can function....i can understand how he can.....and he is helping the reporters..telling the story...God Bless that man..this is such a horendous tragedy...and my prayers are with the Chinese pepole through this.          那个失去父母双亲,妻子和两个孩子的男人(中-共-官-员)令我感到震惊,他仍然在履行他的职责……我能理解他怎么能够……并且他还在帮助报道的记者……讲述他的故事……上帝保佑这个男人。这是一个horendous(不明白意思)惨剧……我的祈祷将伴随受灾的中国人民度过这个灾难。                    Arin          Che Jia Va's parents, wife and children....grief, loss and devastation beyond measure. Heartbreaking. Sometimes life is too cruel to even contemplate          Che Jia VA(CNN报道主角,中-共-官-员)的父母,妻儿….哀情、损失和毁灭不可衡量。 令人心碎。 有时生活太过残酷甚至于不能去深思。          原文翻译,没有删节,感谢美国人民的人道主义和爱!汶川加油,中国加油!!!
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-15 13:26:00 | 只看该作者


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