没什么人会欣赏在论坛上发布的广告。一般来说,广告的声势越大或越不合时宜,就越容易激起更大的反感。设想一下,当您的晚餐被一位电话推销员打断时,您会有多恼火。这种感觉和看到有人在论坛发布不合时宜的商业帖子是一样的。如果有丝毫的疑虑,就不要这么做。作者: kbtefl 时间: 2008-12-19 10:41
:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O 作者: 防雷小林 时间: 2009-1-4 19:50 标题: 回复 1# crazy 的帖子 支持...支持....作者: 今宵酒醒何处 时间: 2009-2-9 11:05
over作者: luckeylau 时间: 2009-2-25 13:17 标题: 阅读完毕 带头坚持回帖。。嘎嘎 作者: ljry8044 时间: 2009-2-25 15:39 标题: 回复 3# 防雷小林 的帖子 非常在理,我真后悔,怎么到今天才注意到这篇好帖,没早点学学,惭愧作者: hwds01 时间: 2009-2-27 19:51 标题: 红外对射系统的概述 红外对射系统的概述 根据上海中铁快运有限公司讯:红外对射的工作方式:
1、红外对射隐蔽的防卫方式:使入侵者在不知不觉中触警。 2、红外对射全面设防:无盲区和死角。 3、红外对射完备的防卫能力:入侵者无法以快速跳跃、匍伏或其它动作通过隐形红外对射防卫射束网的防范 范围。 4、红外对射良好的抗干扰特性:当昆虫或小动物等通过红外防卫射束网时,由于不能完全遮断红外防卫射束所以不会产生误报警。 5、红外对射严密的防破坏能力:当红外接收端电源线或信号线被剪断时,周界报警信号输出电路将自动输出无线报警联动信号。 6、红外对射可全天侯工作。红外对射探测器抗不良天气环境干扰能力。
红外对射报警系统是对外围进行红外对射防范和控制管理的系统。由于红外对射防护系统位于防护区域的最外围,因此,红外对射防范能够最早地发现异常情况,可以在犯罪行为尚未发生的时候,有效的达到制止犯罪的目的,红外对射提高了保证安全的整体系数。作者: hwds01 时间: 2009-2-27 19:52 标题: hangzhou massage Heights Opens First Keller Franchise hangzhou massage Heights Opens First Keller Franchise hangzhou massage Heights of Keller is the first to open in the Dallas-Fort Worth market.hangzhou massage Executives of the San Antonio-based franchise company say Dallas-Fort Worth is a prime location for expansion based on 34 key components of research showing an ideal match to the area’s population, psychographics,hangzhou massage demographics, economic climate, spending habits, competitive landscape, real estate, etc. Soothing music,hangzhou massage relaxing aromatic candles,hangzhou massage a clean and calming environment, and experienced hangzhou massage therapists. All these are available at hangzhou massage Heights,hangzhou massage the new, luxurious therapeutic hangzhou massage clinic located at hangzhou massage 1961 Main Street, Suite 300 in Keller.
Clients who visit hangzhou massage Heights are quickly addicted to the experience. According to the Associated Bodywork and hangzhou massage Professionals (ABMP), repeat visits for hangzhou massage therapy range between 78 percent and 81 percent; hangzhou massage Heights boasts a 90 percent customer retention rate in each of its open locations. hangzhou escort Heights differentiates itself through its affordable, multi-tiered membership program. Established as a way to develop long-term guest relationships and to offer consumers considerable cost savings, the monthly fee starts at $49.99, which includes a monthly complementary, one-hour hangzhou massage, and each additional one-hour hangzhou massage is only $39.99. Clients can also purchase a series of different “Heights at Home” products offered at each location.
The unique concept has taken the hangzhou massage franchising world by storm since its 2004 launch by founders and husband and wife duo, Shane and Wayne Evans. After a successful 14-year career in the physical fitness field, Wayne Evans,hangzhou massage decided to further explore the lifestyle improving field of hangzhou massage therapy. After establishing hangzhou massage Heights in Alamo Heights, TX, the company experienced soaring success. Shane Evans quickly left the marketing field in pursuit of the booming business.
About hangzhou massage Heights Founded in 2004, hangzhou massage Heights is the premium hangzhou massage clinic service that offers a tranquil atmosphere, experienced staff, soothing services and hangzhou massage convenience at an affordable price. hangzhou massage Heights is reaching dramatic elevations in an exploding industry,hangzhou massage focused on providing affordable luxury products and services for the mind, spirit and body. With more than 40 operating franchises,hangzhou massage company plans call for 288 more by 2010, with a total of 1,620 locations within the next five years.
“hangzhou massage Heights brings all the comforts and benefits of a Tuscan spa to the Keller customers without an excessive cost,” said Angela Dillen, the franchise owner.hangzhou massage “Those who sign-up for the membership program are able to routinely receive a variety of hangzhou massages and services at a reasonable price.”
The rapidly growing membership-model hangzhou massage franchise has tapped into a virtual goldmine segment: With 25 million more Americans each year getting a hangzhou massage today than a decade ago, consumers receive approximately 230 million hangzhou massage sessions annually, making hangzhou massage therapy one of the fastest growing industries in the nation. Everyday millions of Americans use hangzhou massages as treatment for tension, anxiety and stress, but hangzhou massages can also lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate, increase blood circulation, release endorphins,hangzhou massage and many other health benefits.作者: hwds01 时间: 2009-2-27 19:54 标题: We provide hangzhou massage We provide hangzhou massage hangzhou massage enjoy and appreciate our clients.
hangzhou massage honor our employees by providing hangzhou massage with respect and opportunities for professional growth.
We create and hangzhou massage maintain an atmosphere of teamwork.
We provide a safe,hangzhou massage healing environment for our clients and therapists.
We build relationships hangzhou massage with our staff hangzhou massage and clients.作者: dzwl0a01 时间: 2009-3-5 20:45 标题: 全省近5000个警务室迎来报警联动座上客 在石家庄市新华区杨建警务室,民警向居民演示了“预防翻爬阳台报警联动系统”,向居民传授了安全防范知识。报警联动在衡水桃城区公安分局人民路派出所同乐里社区警务室,民警们向前来参观的群众介绍了报警联动职能作用,现场征求社区群众对公安工作的意见和建议,并就春节期间的安全报警联动防范问题向前来做客的群众进行了耐心讲解。
2月10日,是全省公安机关报警联动活动的第一天,也是我省确定的报警联动,全省4863个社区和农村警务室全都接待报警联动来访做客。作者: ww8600 时间: 2009-5-10 23:57
{:3_50:}顶一顶,我支持.太多看的头晕,没人捏我吧?作者: gzliao 时间: 2009-9-25 15:44
大概看了下,感觉有点长{:2_36:}作者: zj2001 时间: 2009-9-26 09:42
支持支持 ,作者: leadensky 时间: 2009-10-27 09:12