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避雷灌水塘、新手区 今日: 0|主题: 8550|排名: 1 

版主: aichen
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[转帖]十六、tears in heaven - eric clapton cpu50436 2005-1-7 0815 cpu50436 2005-1-7 19:03
[转帖]十五、uptown girl - westlife cpu50436 2005-1-7 0875 cpu50436 2005-1-7 18:59
[转帖]十四、yellow - coldplay cpu50436 2005-1-7 0760 cpu50436 2005-1-7 18:50
[转帖]十三、yesterday once more - carpenter cpu50436 2005-1-7 0771 cpu50436 2005-1-7 18:46
[转帖]十二、you're my sunshine cpu50436 2005-1-7 0872 cpu50436 2005-1-7 18:41
[转帖]十一、You Driver Me Crazy cpu50436 2005-1-7 01078 cpu50436 2005-1-7 18:38
[转帖]十、thank you - dido cpu50436 2005-1-7 11002 cpu50436 2005-1-7 18:34
哈哈哈~~  ...2 sunshine 2005-1-6 191919 cpu50436 2005-1-7 18:33
[转帖]二、top of the world - carpenters cpu50436 2005-1-6 21014 cpu50436 2005-1-7 18:26
[转帖]五、without you - mariah cary cpu50436 2005-1-7 31008 cpu50436 2005-1-7 15:22
[转帖]四、speak softly love(教父主题曲) - andy williams cpu50436 2005-1-7 1857 sunshine 2005-1-7 14:43
男人的发型史 sunshine 2005-1-7 1806 小虫 2005-1-7 13:54
超强版家书 sunshine 2005-1-6 51082 红蜻蜓 2005-1-7 13:35
经典童言爆笑语录40条 通天雷神 2005-1-5 51091 红蜻蜓 2005-1-7 13:27
[转帖]⊙不看后悔一世,看了痛苦一生~! (转)  ...2 冻冬 2004-12-8 141745 呆鸟 2005-1-7 13:02
[转帖]九、that's why(you go away) - j.richter cpu50436 2005-1-7 0999 cpu50436 2005-1-7 12:52
[转帖]八、the call - backstreet boy cpu50436 2005-1-7 0885 cpu50436 2005-1-7 12:49
[转帖]七、when I dream of you cpu50436 2005-1-7 0883 cpu50436 2005-1-7 12:12
[转帖]六、windflowers cpu50436 2005-1-7 0827 cpu50436 2005-1-7 12:08
通天雷神 2004-12-23 61080 冻冬 2005-1-7 11:44
[转帖]三、the day You went away cpu50436 2005-1-7 0843 cpu50436 2005-1-7 11:40
白领的一天VS无领的一天  ...2 sunshine 2005-1-6 131820 cpu50436 2005-1-7 11:37
[转帖]国耻~~是中国人就该来看  ...23 冻冬 2004-11-27 203469 冻冬 2005-1-7 11:36
什么是安园?  ...2 大胡子 2005-1-5 121783 richard 2005-1-7 10:03
天下无贼暴露的20个社会问题  ...2 西山一狐 2005-1-4 121737 LLL 2005-1-6 22:45
明年你希望去哪里?  ...234 richard 2004-9-15 334102 webfair 2005-1-6 17:55
该抛弃的,就彻底抛弃吧 国智 2004-12-30 1990 我来也 2005-1-6 16:54
调查? aichen 2005-1-4 51415 sunshine 2005-1-6 16:27
我儿照片  ...234 taojun 2004-12-29 323525 sunshine 2005-1-6 16:23
一首好听的歌---刘沁《离开》 红蜻蜓 2004-12-27 82407 sjx 2005-1-6 14:17
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